General Policy on Diversity & Inclusion and Inappropriate Behaviour

Diversity & Inclusion

Equal opportunities: Our language school strives to create an inclusive environment where everyone has equal opportunities, regardless of origin, gender, age, religion, sexual orientation or disability.

Respectful environment: We strive to create a culture of respect for and appreciation of diversity. We encourage our staff and teachers to have an open and respectful attitude towards colleagues and clients.

Inappropriate Behaviour

Zero tolerance: Inappropriate behaviour, including bullying, intimidation, discrimination and any form of sexual harassment, will not be tolerated.

Reporting: Staff and teachers are encouraged to report incidents of inappropriate behaviour directly to their manager or the designated confidential advisor within the organisation.

Investigation & action: All reports of inappropriate behaviour are taken seriously and investigated thoroughly. If necessary, suitable measures, including disciplinary action, will be taken to ensure a safe and respectful working environment.

Confidentiality: All reports and investigations are kept confidential to protect the privacy of all involved.